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How to use Clash Royale PC

After experimenting a lot I have finally made a no legendary deck that can keep you up in the legendary arena. Lately all those highly skilled f2p lvl 9's and 10's are having a hard time in the legendary arena. They either face higher level opponents, higher level spells, or pay2win guys.

So if you are facing the same problem as above, then this deck is for you ! [ AND IT DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY LEGENDARIES !] Though it does have some legendary replacements if you aren't comfy.



Great Hard Hitting Offense
The Defense turns into a spell-proof counter push !
Easy to make a comeback
Catches Opponent OFF GUARD very easily if they Overcommit.


Weak To Rocket Cycle decks [ROCKET IS THE ONLY SPELL USEFUL TO COUNTER THIS DECK (Well according to me.. :D)
As I Am an f2p lvl 10 at 3600, and believe my readers to be so, we all face lvl 12 commons and lvl 9 rares. Low Level Cards may be a problem in defense.[ lvl 5 SKARMY vs ICE GOLEM, Or Lvl 9 Furnace, lvl 12 Minions ETC. !]
Weak To Air [ SOMEWHAT]
Card Usage Breakup

Hog - He Is THE MAIN WIN CONDITION of the deck. He is pretty lively in the meta since defensive buildings are not seen (very less, like 4 in every 10 battles). Pig Pushing is forbidden in the deck as you can see It can be done only with the Ice golem. Should be sent in the first push [ If in Starting Hand]. Zap Must be kept ready For SKARMY or TOMBSTONE.

If You have explored all the counters to your hog.... wait for overcomittment or bait through Elite barbs Or Mega M.

VS BUILDINGS- Send Lone E Barbs. They Will Pretty much destroy it and may offer some chipping. You may notice in 2x Elixir time when you start building your big push, ( Bowler, Ice Golem, Mega Minion, Hog) They tend to pre plant their defensive buildings and units... Thats the time you dont want to send your hog and place your spells COVERING all of them. AGAIN + elixir trade

Bowler - The Most TANKIEST defense Eva ! In the current meta were fireballs, zap and log dominate, we rarely see lightning or rockets (If you do find one.... well then...) That's were bowler comes in. He Stops the hog(1-2 hits), Stops E Barbs(+ elixir trade !), Tanks for your mega minion while defending a BEATDOWN !

OFFENSE- This Big Purple dude covers so much area while throwing his rocks that opponents are forbidden to stop him from small units ! BOWWLIING !

E Barbs- The Cultured brothers of barbarians are almost a staple of every deck. If ignored GGWP. Now, people send them coupled up with something hoping to decimate the tower.... THAT's not how u gotta use them. They work as tank shredders in my deck that convert into an unstoppable counterpush. Skarmy is still seen a lot these days.. So if u need to get a tower real bad, an Ice golem + Elite Barbs + Zap Can be betted on, Ice golem takes care of swarms, E barbs take care of what remains. [ THIS SHOULD NOT BE YOUR MAIN WIN CONDITION, IT IS MAINLY USED TO CATCH OPPONENT OFF GUARD].
It Saves you from RG's, Golem's And Giant's. WHO NEED INFERNO TOWER NOW ?!.

Mega Minion - Yeah The META minion, Ever since it came its use rate has been as high as sky, It shreds tanks, Prevents the valk, mini pekka, or the knight from even hitting your tower once, Stop the hog completely if paired with tombstone, and if it reaches the tower with full health [Lots Of BMing bound to happen], GGWP. It may be used as the starting card behind the tower as it can defend both lanes.

Tombstone - The ' Legendary' building is our only choice in the meta when it comes to a defensive building. It is the only building that can help retarget the RG, Pull The Giant To oblivion, Defend Againts the graveyard( Yes Really), Or Act as a pump, yes by this I mean it can be used to bank elixir if you dont have a good starting hand. An Ice Golem+Tombstone takes out lone elite barbs, + Elixir trade !. It can used for lots of positive elixir trades.
When Paired up with your bowler, or megaminion it can stop almost any push !

Zap - Hmmmm... Do I Need to explain ? Yes I DO ! A lvl 7 ice golem and level 10 zap can take out any level minion horde ! Or any HIGHER LEVELED SWARM ! This Spell must be used predictively in the deck.That's what makes the difference in winning, whether you play reactively or you wait and see your troops get KEELED.

Fireball - Okay Little explaining required.. Used For chipping the tower whilst damaging a troop, prediction fireball for barbarians and minion horde, Or your last resort For Elite Barbs. Placement of fireball is important while countering E Barbs with this spell. I recommend watching orange juice's video ___

Ice Golem - Yeah.. This frosty dude with a black collar is the most useful card in the deck ! Used To kite Prince (Sometimes you may face a lvl 5 prince, I DO :P), skarmy, minion horde, elite barbs and many more, ICE GOLEM + Tombstone or Ice Golem + Mega Minion is your main defense most of the time ! Ice golem + bowler maybe used to counter elite barbs in 2x elixir time as it turns into a counter push, plus his Frost Nova Is just cool to watch.

In Zap bait decks this card just Kill's your opponent !

According to me only three cards can or may be replaced in the deck, but you are free to experiment always !

Mega Minion - Replace with Minions/Archers If you are having a hard time countering graveyard. They Also synergize with the HOG.

Ice Golem - If you hate having no legendaries in your deck.. then this card can be replaced with the Ice wizard... but then you dont have the benefit of kiting. Again every card is different :).
Ice spirit can also be used, Is can help to kite, Pig Push and cycle faster, but then it THEN YOU NEED AWESOME DEFENDING SKILLS ( WHICH I STILL DO NOT HAVE).

Tombstone- You can experiment with a lumberjack, it turns this deck into a blitz beatdown one, but then again you ll have a hard time against Giant beatdown, or Golems. Again every card is Different :))).

Starting Hand-

BEST POSSIBLE ONE's - Hog, Ice Golem Zap, Or Mega Minion Hog Zap, Or Hog Fireball, Basically anything with the hog is a good one.
There Is no worst hand in the case, You can bank with tomstone or play mega minion in the back or play your lone hog to explore counter's.

Normal Gameplan/ Strategy -

Start- Most Of the times you are the one to intiate the battle.. Hog plus ice golem can be your starting push, and must remain throughout the battle. Elite barbs as I said can be said to catch opponents off guard ( This probably tge fifth time I am writing this...XD) Suppose the send A Miner Horde combo you can send your ice golem and zap to finish the horde and just ignore the miner and then send your BARBS. Sometime Tombstone/Ice Golem is important when kiting. There is game mechanic known as TRUE BLUE or TRUE RED. A True Blue cant kite Hog / Elite Barbs by a 4 / 3 tile plant from left side while a TRUE RED can from both sides. I Recommend watching Orange Juice's video that I mentioned above it explains it better !

2x Elixir- You might be confused on what to push with during this time... Dont overcommit yourselves . Keep Sending the hog and keep the spells handy as you dont wanna send Hog and elite barbs both only to see it countered by a SKARMY before you can zap it....

Attack Combos

Main - Hog + Ice Golem + Zap
Elite Barbs+ Ice Goloem + Zap ( 2x )
Hog + Fireball/Zap ( Zap for tombstone/skarmy fireball for archers and others)
Bowler + Mega Minion + Hog + Zap , well you dont wanna make this push up yourselves as it will be too expensive, Its like a Spoils of war and your Hog And zap.[ OR IN SIMPLE A COUNTER PUSH AFTER HEROIC DEFENDING]

Match Ups
( These are the good ones you need to learn how to counter )
Miner Cycle- You might feel being humiliated in the start... but in 2x time these players are always overcommiting by sending HORDE + LOG + PRINCESS + MINER , Ice Golem Zap And e barbs in other lane GG WP. Your hog may only get 1 hit a time but thats all it takes.
Giant Beatdown-You cannot keep your hands at rest againts this one ! keep pushing or get humiliated as their supports will be gone in countering your hog push
Golem + Graveyard/Anything- Same As above but your hands need to work more ! It is a pleasure to watch your elite barbs counter the golem and your hog hammering the tower ! Graveyard must kept in mind all the time while defending. ( After Golem is planted)Think that graveyard can be casted any moment from now and you ll defend better ( YES REALLY IT WORKS )
Lava Hound/ Miner - Okay this the deck that I lose against. you just cant push the other lane this time as we dont have enough anti air. First PLZ ignore LAVA HOUND react only when it has popped. All you need to counter is the support behind which is mainly mega minion horde or normal minions Which can be done by our trusty ice golem and fireball and or zap.

The Less headaching
RG + Hog Bait - you shouldnt counter the hog with tombstone as soon as you know he has an RG !. Elite Barbs are your best friends. These decks are often accompanied by Furnaces... BOWLIIING ! ( I hope you understood that)
Elite barbs as their main win condition- You have every counter to it i guess.....
Bowler graveyard freeze - you can pretty much smell this deck as soon as you see archers, tombstone and bowler. No need to panic we have our Bowler, but as his hit speed is 1.7 secs it must be paired with the Ice golem. Now there is one thing you need to worry about is his 8th card. It is either a Freeze or fireball. Fireball is no problem , but the freeze really is, but as it cost 4 elixir, You have to push other lane as you cant send 7 elixir just to get freezed and your tower get destroyed


So Yeah thats pretty much it. Thats what I believe. Any recommendations are accepted, changes are welcomed. Thanks !

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